09:30 (Véspera) |
2º 4º sábado Español |
八王子教会 (All Saints Hachiōji Tokyo) |
14:30 (Véspera) |
4th Sat, children |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
15:00 (Véspera) |
Cathédrale Saint Joseph (Nouméa) |
English |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
1st Sat, Korean |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
15:30 (Véspera) |
1st 3rd Indonesian |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
English |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
16:00 (Véspera) |
Holy Cross (West District) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
Saint Nom de Marie (Mouli) |
Santo Fransiskus Asisi (Tebet) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
カトリック磯子教会 (St Paul Isogo Yokohama) |
八王子教会 (All Saints Hachiōji Tokyo) |
成城教会 (St Tadeo Seijo Tokyo) |
洗足教会 (St John the Apostle Senzoku Tokyo) |
Javanese |
Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus (Ganjuran) |
Indonesian |
カトリック新子安教会 (Shinkoyasu Yokohama) |
16:30 (Véspera) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
Santo Andreas (Kedoya) |
Santo Antonius Padua (Bidaracina) |
Santo Bonaventura (Pulomas) |
Santo Kristoforus (Jakarta) |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
16:45 (Véspera) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
17:00 (Véspera) |
Bunda Hati Kudus (Kemakmuran) |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Port Moresby) |
Christ the King (North District) |
Hati Kudus (Sacred Heart Kramat) |
Holy Spirit (North District) |
Kalvari (Lubang Buaya) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung) |
Keluarga Kudus (Holy Family Rawamangun) |
Kristus Salvator (Slipi) |
Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng) |
Maria Bunda Perantara (Cideng) |
Niño Perdido y Sagrada Familia (Asan) |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (East District) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santa Rita-Sumai) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Waterloo) |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Middle Park) |
Regina Caeli (Indah Kapuk) |
Sacred Heart (City District) |
Sacred Heart (Ponsonby) |
Santa Maria Tak Bercela (Surabaya) |
Santo Agustinus (Halim Perdanakusuma) |
Santo Andreas Kim Tae Gon (North Jakarta) |
Santo Matias Rasul (Kosambi) |
Santo Paskalis (Cempaka Putih) |
Santo Petrus & Paulus (Mangga Besar) |
Santo Polikarpus (Jakarta) |
Santo Stefanus (Cilandak) |
Santo Yoseph (Matraman) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Augustine of Hippo (Balmain) |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
St Ignatius Loyola (Malang Street) |
St John the Baptist (Auckland) |
St Joseph (City District) |
St Joseph (Perth) |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
St Nikodemus (Ciputat) |
St Odilia (Cicadas) |
St Yakobus (Kelapa Gading) |
St Yohanes Bosco (Sunter) |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
カトリック二俣川教会 (22 Japanese Martyrs Futamatagawa Yokohama) |
カトリック末吉町教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Sueyoshicho Yokohama) |
仁川教会 (Nigawa Osaka) |
保土ヶ谷教会 (Assumption Hodogaya Yokohama) |
初台教会 (St Alfonso Maria de Rigori Hatsudai Tokyo) |
立川教会 (St Pius X Tachikawa) |
聖母無原罪主教座堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Datong) |
被昇天の聖母 宝塚教会 (Assumption Takarazuka Osaka) |
西町 (St Pius X Nishimachi) |
金沢教会 (St Joseph Kanazawa Yokohama) |
長安天主堂 (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Zhongshan) |
English |
Franciscan Chapel Center (Roppongi Tokyo) |
outside day.saving |
St James (Forest Lodge) |
4th Sat, Indonesian |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
Indonesian |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
English |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
17:30 (Véspera) |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
Holy Family (East District) |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Kristus Raja (Christ the King Pejompongan) |
Mater Dei (Lampersari) |
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Seria) |
Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey (Chalan Pago) |
Santa Anna (Duren Sawit) |
Santo Athanasius (Karangpanas) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
Ss Peter & Paul (City District) |
St Anthony (North District) |
St Francis Xavier (North Sydney) |
St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District) |
St Francis of Assisi (Paddington) |
St John (Kuala Belait) |
St Joseph (Grey Lynn) |
St Joseph (North District) |
St Joseph (Edgecliff) |
St Marinus Yohanes (Surabaya) |
St Michael (City District) |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
St Stephen (East District) |
St Teresa (City District) |
St Theresia (Balikpapan) |
St Theresia (Bongsari) |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
18:00 (Véspera) |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney) |
Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne) |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Papeete) |
Damai Kristus (Kampung Duri) |
Hati Kudus (Palembang) |
Katedral Santo Yosef (Pangkal Pinang) |
Katedral St Theresia Liseux (Sibolga) |
Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya) |
Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa (South Kuta) |
Mount St Mary (Nadi) |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District) |
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (Maylands) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
Risen Christ (North District) |
Sacred Heart (Highgate Perth) |
Saint Patrice (Moorea) |
Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo) |
Santo Alfonsus Rodriquez (Pademangan) |
Santo Fransiskus Xaverius (Kuta) |
Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung) |
Santo Paulus (Pasar Merah) |
Santo Robertus Bellarminus (Cililitan) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
St Aloysius Gonzaga (Surabaya) |
St Antonius (Hayam Wuruk) |
St Benedict (Newton) |
St Bernadette (City District) |
St Brigid (Dickson) |
St Canice (Rushcutters Bay) |
St Columba (South Perth) |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
St Joachim (Victoria Park) |
St Joseph (Camperdown) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
St Odilia (Citra Raya) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Therese (Papeete) |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
下井草教会 (Mary Help of Christians Shimoigusa Tokyo) |
亀有教会 (St Francis of Assisi Kameari Tokyo) |
六甲教会 (Rokko Kobe) |
夙川教会 (Shukugawa Osaka) |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka) |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
志村教会 (St Joseph the Worker Shimura Tokyo) |
東京カテドラル関口教会 (Cathedral of St Mary Sekiguchi Tokyo) |
築地教会 (St Joseph Tsukiji Tokyo) |
高輪教会 (Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Takanawa Tokyo) |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
Indonesian |
Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus (Ganjuran) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Holy Cross (West District) |
1st Sun ONLY |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Nouméa) |
daylight saving |
St James (Forest Lodge) |
Français |
St Thomas (Jakarta) |
18:30 (Véspera) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Bandar Seri Begawan) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District) |
カトリック北一条教会 (Cathedral of Guardian Angels) |
三浦町教会 (Sacred Heart Miura-Cho) |
三軒茶屋教会 (Ss Peter & Paul Sangenjaya Tokyo) |
城山 (Our Lady of Consolation Shiroyama) |
大分教会 (St Francis Xavier Oita) |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
布池教会大聖堂 (Cathedral of St Peter & St Paul Nunoike Nagoya) |
飽の浦 (St Joseph Akunoura) |
高円寺教会 (St John Maria Vianney Koenji Tokyo) |
1st Sat Tag; 3rd Tam |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
Español |
St Brigid (Northbridge) |
Vietnamese |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
19:00 (Véspera) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
くらの里聖家族教会 (Holy Family Kuranosato) |
三ツ山 (Sacred Heart Mitsuyama) |
中町 (St Thomas Nishi and Fifteen Martyrs Middle town) |
今市教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Imaichi Osaka) |
出津 (Sacred Heart Aizu) |
別府教会 (Beppu) |
城北橋教会 (Sacred Heart Johokubashi Nagoya) |
大東教会 (St Anthony Mary Claret Daito Osaka) |
大浦 (St John Ōura) |
時津 (26 Martyrs of Japan Tokitatsu) |
本原 (St Pedro Baptista Primitive) |
東長崎 (Immaculate Heart of Mary East Nagasaki) |
松原教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Matsubara Tokyo) |
植松 (St Jakob Asahida Uematsu) |
水主町 (St Marina of Omura Kakomachi) |
永春聖安多尼天主堂 (St Anthony Hsinyi) |
浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami) |
深堀 (Assumption Hukahori) |
滑石教会 (St Paul Apostle Nameshi Nagasaki) |
田園調布教会 (St Francis of Assisi Denenchofu Tokyo) |
稲佐 (St Francis Xavier Inasa) |
葛西教会 (St Augustin Kasai Tokyo) |
調布教会 (Chofu Tokyo) |
鷺沼教会 (Saginuma) |
1º 3º sáb, Español |
住吉教会 (St Paul Miki Sumiyoshi) |
English |
天母天主堂 (Mother of God Shihlin) |
English 2nd Sat ONLY |
戸部カトリック教会 (St Francisco Zapiel Tobe Yokohama) |
1st Sun |
黒崎 (Sacred Heart Kurosaki) |
19:30 (Véspera) |
Holy Rosary (Nankang) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Sacred Heart of Mary (Da’an) |
Santa Melania (Bandung) |
大直聖保祿天主堂 (St Paul Chungshan) |
富錦街法蒂瑪聖母天主堂 (Our Lady of Fatima Songshan) |
聖女小德蘭朝聖地 (Shrine of St Theresa Wanhua) |
若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan) |
萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua) |
通化街聖玫瑰堂 (Holy Rosary Da’an) |
3rd Sat, Malayalam |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
3rd Sat, Tagalog |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
various |
St Anthony (North District) |
1st, 3rd Sun English |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
Português |
浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu) |
Tagalog |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
20:00 (Véspera) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Holy Family (East District) |
Tamil |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
23:30 (Véspera) |
St Joseph (Camperdown) |
05:30 |
Santo Athanasius (Karangpanas) |
05:50 |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Papeete) |
06:00 |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathédrale Saint Joseph (Nouméa) |
Kalvari (Lubang Buaya) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung) |
Katedral Santo Yosef (Pangkal Pinang) |
Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya) |
Maria Bunda Perantara (Cideng) |
Santa Maria Tak Bercela (Surabaya) |
Santo Andreas (Kedoya) |
Santo Antonius Padua (Bidaracina) |
Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung) |
Santo Matias Rasul (Kosambi) |
Santo Polikarpus (Jakarta) |
Santo Stefanus (Cilandak) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Nikodemus (Ciputat) |
St Odilia (Cicadas) |
St Yohanes Bosco (Sunter) |
浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami) |
Chinese |
Hati Kudus (Palembang) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
2nd, 4th, 5th Sun |
出津 (Sacred Heart Aizu) |
2nd, 3rd, 4th Sun |
黒崎 (Sacred Heart Kurosaki) |
06:15 |
植松 (St Jakob Asahida Uematsu) |
06:30 |
Damai Kristus (Kampung Duri) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Keluarga Kudus (Holy Family Rawamangun) |
Kristus Salvator (Slipi) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santa Rita-Sumai) |
Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey (Chalan Pago) |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
Sacré Coeur (Païta) |
Santa Anna (Duren Sawit) |
Santa Catharina (Tmii) |
Santo Alfonsus Rodriquez (Pademangan) |
Santo Bonaventura (Pulomas) |
Santo Philipus Rasul |
Santo Robertus Bellarminus (Cililitan) |
Santo Yoseph (Matraman) |
St Aloysius Gonzaga (Surabaya) |
St Theresia (Bongsari) |
三浦町教会 (Sacred Heart Miura-Cho) |
中津カトリック教会 (St John Bosco Nakatsu) |
中町 (St Thomas Nishi and Fifteen Martyrs Middle town) |
徳田教会 (St Vincent de Paul Tokuden Tokyo) |
本河内 (Immaculate Conception Honkouchi) |
滑石教会 (St Paul Apostle Nameshi Nagasaki) |
06:45 |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
07:00 |
Bunda Hati Kudus (Kemakmuran) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Port Moresby) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Fiji) |
Christ the King (North District) |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
Franciscan Chapel Center (Roppongi Tokyo) |
Hati Kudus (Sacred Heart Kramat) |
Holy Eucharist (Laucala Bay) |
Holy Spirit (North District) |
Immaculate Conception (Solevu) |
Kapel Hati Kudus Yesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel of St Borromeo) |
Katedral St Theresia Liseux (Sibolga) |
Kristus Raja (Christ the King Pejompongan) |
Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa (South Kuta) |
Mater Dei (Lampersari) |
Niño Perdido y Sagrada Familia (Asan) |
Our Lady Fatima (Suva) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Lomary) |
Risen Christ (North District) |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
Santo Andreas Kim Tae Gon (North Jakarta) |
Santo Fransiskus Asisi (Tebet) |
Santo Fransiskus Xaverius (Kuta) |
Santo Kristoforus (Jakarta) |
Santo Paskalis (Cempaka Putih) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
St Antonius (Hayam Wuruk) |
St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District) |
St Ignatius Loyola (Malang Street) |
St Odilia (Citra Raya) |
St Pius X (Raiwaqa) |
St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District) |
カトリック二俣川教会 (22 Japanese Martyrs Futamatagawa Yokohama) |
三河島教会 (St John the Apostle Mikawashima Tokyo) |
上野毛教会のホ (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kaminoge Tokyo) |
下井草教会 (Mary Help of Christians Shimoigusa Tokyo) |
仁川教会 (Nigawa Osaka) |
八王子教会 (All Saints Hachiōji Tokyo) |
夙川教会 (Shukugawa Osaka) |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
大森教会 (Epiphany of the Lord Omori Tokyo) |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
布池教会大聖堂 (Cathedral of St Peter & St Paul Nunoike Nagoya) |
戸部カトリック教会 (St Francisco Zapiel Tobe Yokohama) |
時津 (26 Martyrs of Japan Tokitatsu) |
本原 (St Pedro Baptista Primitive) |
東長崎 (Immaculate Heart of Mary East Nagasaki) |
浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu) |
瀬田教会 (St Anthony of Padua Seta Tokyo) |
碑文谷教会 (Santamaria of Edo Himonya Tokyo) |
祇園教会 (Holy Spirit Gion) |
稲佐 (St Francis Xavier Inasa) |
萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua) |
西町 (St Pius X Nishimachi) |
観音町教会 (St Joseph the Worker Kanonmachi) |
豊島教会 (St Patrick Toshima Tokyo) |
赤羽教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Akabane Tokyo) |
関町教会 (St Theresa of the Infant Jesus Sekimachi Tokyo) |
飽の浦 (St Joseph Akunoura) |
鷺沼教会 (Saginuma) |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
麻布教会 (Sacred Heart of Jesus Azabu Tokyo) |
Mandarin 中文 |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
07:15 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
普通話 Mandarin |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
07:30 |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Hati Kudus (Palembang) |
Holy Cross (West District) |
Holy Family (East District) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Bandar Seri Begawan) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Ren Ai (St Newman Da’an) |
Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo) |
Santo Athanasius (Karangpanas) |
Santo Petrus & Paulus (Mangga Besar) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
St Columba (South Perth) |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
St Joseph (Edgecliff) |
St Marinus Yohanes (Surabaya) |
Stasi Pegangsaan Dua (Jakarta) |
六甲教会 (Rokko Kobe) |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami) |
田園調布教会 (St Francis of Assisi Denenchofu Tokyo) |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
被昇天の聖母 宝塚教会 (Assumption Takarazuka Osaka) |
高円寺教会 (St John Maria Vianney Koenji Tokyo) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Javanese |
Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus (Ganjuran) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (East District) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
1st 2nd Sun Mandarin |
St Anthony (North District) |
普通話 Mandarin |
St Joseph (North District) |
Tagalog |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
07:45 |
普通話 Mandarin |
St Michael (City District) |
08:00 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Manila) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth) |
Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne) |
Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph (Auckland Central) |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Papeete) |
Chapel of the Annunciation of Mary (Student church) |
Holy Rosary (Nankang) |
Kalvari (Lubang Buaya) |
Katedral Santo Yosef (Pangkal Pinang) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya) |
Maria Bunda Perantara (Cideng) |
Mount St Mary (Nadi) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santa Rita-Sumai) |
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Seria) |
Our Lady of the Sea (North Sydney) |
Regina Caeli (Indah Kapuk) |
Saint Joseph (Ouvéa) |
Santa Maria Tak Bercela (Surabaya) |
Santo Agustinus (Halim Perdanakusuma) |
Santo Alfonsus Rodriquez (Pademangan) |
Santo Antonius Padua (Bidaracina) |
Santo Paulus (Pasar Merah) |
Santo Stefanus (Cilandak) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
St Alphonsus (Novena Church) |
St Bede (Pyrmont) |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
St Joachim (Victoria Park) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Nikodemus (Ciputat) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Patrick (Braddon) |
St Teresa (City District) |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
St Theresia (Balikpapan) |
St Yakobus (Kelapa Gading) |
St Yohanes Bosco (Sunter) |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
くらの里聖家族教会 (Holy Family Kuranosato) |
三ツ山 (Sacred Heart Mitsuyama) |
城山 (Our Lady of Consolation Shiroyama) |
成城教会 (St Tadeo Seijo Tokyo) |
東京カテドラル関口教会 (Cathedral of St Mary Sekiguchi Tokyo) |
渋谷教会 (St Dominic Shibuya Tokyo) |
潮見教会 (Our Lady Shiomi Tokyo) |
立川教会 (St Pius X Tachikawa) |
若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan) |
調布教会 (Chofu Tokyo) |
通化街聖玫瑰堂 (Holy Rosary Da’an) |
馬込 (St Michael Archangel Magome) |
高輪教会 (Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Takanawa Tokyo) |
Chinese |
Maria No Te Hau (Papeete) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Sacred Heart (City District) |
中文 1st 2nd Sun |
カトリック末吉町教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Sueyoshicho Yokohama) |
08:15 |
St Ignatius (West District) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Risen Christ (North District) |
08:30 |
Cathedral Mother of the Divine Shepherd (Mendi) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Fiji) |
Damai Kristus (Kampung Duri) |
Good Shepherd (North Denpasar) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Keluarga Kudus (Holy Family Rawamangun) |
Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng) |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
Sacré Coeur (Païta) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Nouméa) |
Santa Anna (Duren Sawit) |
Santa Catharina (Tmii) |
Santo Andreas (Kedoya) |
Santo Bonaventura (Pulomas) |
Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung) |
Santo Matias Rasul (Kosambi) |
Santo Polikarpus (Jakarta) |
Santo Robertus Bellarminus (Cililitan) |
Santo Yoseph (Matraman) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Aloysius Gonzaga (Surabaya) |
St Brigid (Northbridge) |
St Canice (Rushcutters Bay) |
St Francis of Assisi (Paddington) |
St Joseph (Grey Lynn) |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
St Odilia (Cicadas) |
St Pius X (Raiwaqa) |
St Theresia (Bongsari) |
Église de Pouébo (New Caledonia) |
三軒茶屋教会 (Ss Peter & Paul Sangenjaya Tokyo) |
上野毛教会のホ (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kaminoge Tokyo) |
初台教会 (St Alfonso Maria de Rigori Hatsudai Tokyo) |
同安街聖若瑟天主堂 (St Joseph Zhongzheng) |
大直聖保祿天主堂 (St Paul Chungshan) |
天母天主堂 (Mother of God Shihlin) |
松原教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Matsubara Tokyo) |
瀬田教会 (St Anthony of Padua Seta Tokyo) |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
聖瑪竇天主堂 (St Matthew Chungshan) |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Christ the King (North District) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
普通話 Mandarin |
Ss Peter & Paul (City District) |
4th Sun, children |
今市教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Imaichi Osaka) |
1st 3rd 5th Sun |
磐田教会 (St Theresa of Child Jesus Iwata) |
08:45 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
09:00 |
Bunda Hati Kudus (Kemakmuran) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney) |
Cathédrale Saint Joseph (Nouméa) |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
Hati Kudus (Sacred Heart Kramat) |
Hati Kudus (Palembang) |
Holy Eucharist (Laucala Bay) |
Immaculate Conception (Solevu) |
Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung) |
Katedral St Theresia Liseux (Sibolga) |
Kristus Raja (Christ the King Pejompongan) |
Kristus Salvator (Slipi) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
Our Lady Fatima (Suva) |
Sacred Heart (Highgate Perth) |
Sacred Heart of Mary (Da’an) |
Santa Melania (Bandung) |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Antonius (Hayam Wuruk) |
St Augustine of Hippo (Balmain) |
St Columbkille (Woolloomooloo) |
St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District) |
St Ignatius Loyola (Malang Street) |
St John (Kuala Belait) |
St Joseph (Edgecliff) |
St Joseph (Port Melbourne) |
St Joseph (Perth) |
St Mary (North Sydney) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
St Odilia (Citra Raya) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Stephen (East District) |
St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District) |
カトリック佐伯教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Saiki) |
カトリック北一条教会 (Cathedral of Guardian Angels) |
カトリック原宿教会 (Harajuku Yokohama) |
カトリック新子安教会 (Shinkoyasu Yokohama) |
カトリック磯子教会 (St Paul Isogo Yokohama) |
三浦町教会 (Sacred Heart Miura-Cho) |
中津カトリック教会 (St John Bosco Nakatsu) |
中町 (St Thomas Nishi and Fifteen Martyrs Middle town) |
仁川教会 (Nigawa Osaka) |
住之江教会 (St Paul Suminoe Osaka) |
八德路聖若瑟天主堂 (St Joseph the Worker Songshan) |
兵庫教会 (Holy Family Hyogo) |
別府教会 (Beppu) |
南港耶穌聖心天主堂 成德堂 (Sacred Heart Nankang) |
富錦街法蒂瑪聖母天主堂 (Our Lady of Fatima Songshan) |
布池教会大聖堂 (Cathedral of St Peter & St Paul Nunoike Nagoya) |
本原 (St Pedro Baptista Primitive) |
本河内 (Immaculate Conception Honkouchi) |
東長崎 (Immaculate Heart of Mary East Nagasaki) |
植松 (St Jakob Asahida Uematsu) |
水主町 (St Marina of Omura Kakomachi) |
永春聖安多尼天主堂 (St Anthony Hsinyi) |
深堀 (Assumption Hukahori) |
田園調布教会 (St Francis of Assisi Denenchofu Tokyo) |
碑文谷教会 (Santamaria of Edo Himonya Tokyo) |
稲佐 (St Francis Xavier Inasa) |
聖母無原罪主教座堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Datong) |
華山救世主堂 (Our Saviour Zhongzheng) |
蒲田教会 (St Philip Kamata Tokyo) |
西町 (St Pius X Nishimachi) |
観音町教会 (St Joseph the Worker Kanonmachi) |
詔安街聖維雅納堂 (St John Vianney Zhongzheng) |
赤羽教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Akabane Tokyo) |
足立教会 (Guardian Angels Adachi Tokyo) |
金沢教会 (St Joseph Kanazawa Yokohama) |
長安天主堂 (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Zhongshan) |
飽の浦 (St Joseph Akunoura) |
鷺沼教会 (Saginuma) |
黒崎 (Sacred Heart Kurosaki) |
Pidgin |
Cathedral of St Mary (Port Moresby) |
English |
Franciscan Chapel Center (Roppongi Tokyo) |
普通話 Mandarin |
St Bernadette (City District) |
1st, 3rd Sun |
出津 (Sacred Heart Aizu) |
English |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
English |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
09:15 |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (East District) |
St Anthony (North District) |
調布教会 (Chofu Tokyo) |
09:30 |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth) |
Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne) |
Holy Cross (West District) |
Holy Family (East District) |
Holy Spirit (North District) |
Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa (South Kuta) |
Miraculous Medal (Miraculous Medal Da’an) |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District) |
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (Maylands) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santa Rita-Sumai) |
Saint Louis (St Louis) |
Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo) |
Santo Fransiskus Asisi (Tebet) |
Santo Fransiskus Xaverius (Kuta) |
Santo Philipus Rasul |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
St Benedict (Newton) |
St Brigid (Dickson) |
St Columba (South Perth) |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
St James (Forest Lodge) |
St Joachim (Victoria Park) |
St John the Baptist (Auckland) |
St Joseph (Camperdown) |
St Joseph (North District) |
St Michael (City District) |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
St Therese (Papeete) |
Stasi Pegangsaan Dua (Jakarta) |
下井草教会 (Mary Help of Christians Shimoigusa Tokyo) |
亀有教会 (St Francis of Assisi Kameari Tokyo) |
伊丹教会 (Christ the King Itami Osaka) |
住吉教会 (St Paul Miki Sumiyoshi) |
北町教会 (St Andrew Kitamachi Tokyo) |
南松山始胎無玷天主堂 (Our Lady of Songshan Taipei) |
城北橋教会 (Sacred Heart Johokubashi Nagoya) |
大分教会 (St Francis Xavier Oita) |
大東教会 (St Anthony Mary Claret Daito Osaka) |
大森教会 (Epiphany of the Lord Omori Tokyo) |
大浦 (St John Ōura) |
小岩教会 (St Boniface Koiwa Tokyo) |
尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka) |
岸和田教会 (St Michael the Archangel Kishiwada Osaka) |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
志村教会 (St Joseph the Worker Shimura Tokyo) |
教会概要 (Sacred Heart Hatsukaichi) |
日本26聖人殉教者 (26 Japanese Martyrs Honjyo Tokyo) |
時津 (26 Martyrs of Japan Tokitatsu) |
本郷教会 (St Peter Hongo Tokyo) |
武庫之荘教会 (Mukonoso Osaka) |
洗足教会 (St John the Apostle Senzoku Tokyo) |
浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu) |
浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami) |
滑石教会 (St Paul Apostle Nameshi Nagasaki) |
瀬田教会 (St Anthony of Padua Seta Tokyo) |
生野教会 (St Francis of Assisi Ikuno Osaka) |
祇園教会 (Holy Spirit Gion) |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
築地教会 (St Joseph Tsukiji Tokyo) |
聖女小德蘭朝聖地 (Shrine of St Theresa Wanhua) |
聖道明傳道中心 (St Dominic Zhongshan) |
芦屋教会 (Sacred Heart Ashiya Osaka) |
若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan) |
萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua) |
被昇天の聖母 宝塚教会 (Assumption Takarazuka Osaka) |
豊島教会 (St Patrick Toshima Tokyo) |
赤堤教会 (Christ the King Akatsutsumi Tokyo) |
関町教会 (St Theresa of the Infant Jesus Sekimachi Tokyo) |
関目教会 (26 Martyrs of Japan Sekime Osaka) |
高円寺教会 (St John Maria Vianney Koenji Tokyo) |
麻布教会 (Sacred Heart of Jesus Azabu Tokyo) |
Tamil |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
Vietnamese |
門真教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Kadoma Osaka) |
09:45 |
Risen Christ (North District) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
English |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
10:00 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Manila) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya) |
Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng) |
Mount St Mary (Nadi) |
Niño Perdido y Sagrada Familia (Asan) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Bandar Seri Begawan) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Lomary) |
Our Lady of Peace and Safe Journey (Chalan Pago) |
Sacred Heart (City District) |
Saint Joseph (Moorea) |
Santo Andreas Kim Tae Gon (North Jakarta) |
Santo Antonius Padua (Bidaracina) |
Santo Kristoforus (Jakarta) |
Santo Paskalis (Cempaka Putih) |
Santo Paulus (Pasar Merah) |
Santo Petrus & Paulus (Mangga Besar) |
Santo Stefanus (Cilandak) |
St Alphonsus (Novena Church) |
St Francis of Assisi (Paddington) |
St Joseph (City District) |
St Marinus Yohanes (Surabaya) |
St Mary Star of the Sea (West Melbourne) |
St Michel (Fayaoué) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Peter (Surry Hills) |
St Teresa (City District) |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
カトリック二俣川教会 (22 Japanese Martyrs Futamatagawa Yokohama) |
三河島教会 (St John the Apostle Mikawashima Tokyo) |
上野教会 (St Bernadette Ueno Tokyo) |
今市教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Imaichi Osaka) |
保土ヶ谷教会 (Assumption Hodogaya Yokohama) |
八王子教会 (All Saints Hachiōji Tokyo) |
六甲教会 (Rokko Kobe) |
初台教会 (St Alfonso Maria de Rigori Hatsudai Tokyo) |
吹田教会 (Suita Osdaka) |
城山 (Our Lady of Consolation Shiroyama) |
夙川教会 (Shukugawa Osaka) |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
徳田教会 (St Vincent de Paul Tokuden Tokyo) |
成城教会 (St Tadeo Seijo Tokyo) |
東京カテドラル関口教会 (Cathedral of St Mary Sekiguchi Tokyo) |
板橋教会 (St Elizabeth Itabashi Tokyo) |
梅田教会 (St Joseph the Worker Umeda Tokyo) |
横須賀三笠教会 (Assumption Yokosuka Mikasa) |
渋谷教会 (St Dominic Shibuya Tokyo) |
潮見教会 (Our Lady Shiomi Tokyo) |
甲子園教会 (St Francis Yoshi Koshien Osaka) |
町屋教会 (Holy Family Machiya Tokyo) |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
神田教会 (St Francis Xavier Kanda Tokyo) |
立川教会 (St Pius X Tachikawa) |
聯合新村中華之后天主堂 (Our Lady Queen of China Songshan) |
荻窪教会 (St Bartholomew Ogikubo Tokyo) |
葛西教会 (St Augustin Kasai Tokyo) |
阿倍野教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Abeno Osaka) |
高輪教会 (Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Takanawa Tokyo) |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
English |
Chapel of the Annunciation of Mary (Student church) |
Italiano |
St Brigid (Northbridge) |
Deutsch |
St Patrick (Braddon) |
international |
教会概要 (Immaculate Conception Kure) |
3rd Sun English |
浅草教会 (St Paul Asakusa Tokyo) |
10:05 |
Christ the King (North District) |
10:15 |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
10:30 |
Cathedral Mother of the Divine Shepherd (Mendi) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney) |
Keluarga Kudus (Holy Family Rawamangun) |
Maria No Te Hau (Papeete) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Lomary) |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Middle Park) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
Regina Caeli (Indah Kapuk) |
Sacred Heart (Ponsonby) |
St Augustine (Melbourne) |
St Benedict (Sydney) |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
St Canice (Rushcutters Bay) |
St Francis Xavier (North Sydney) |
St Joseph (Rozelle) |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
三軒茶屋教会 (Ss Peter & Paul Sangenjaya Tokyo) |
上野毛教会のホ (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kaminoge Tokyo) |
布池教会大聖堂 (Cathedral of St Peter & St Paul Nunoike Nagoya) |
戸部カトリック教会 (St Francisco Zapiel Tobe Yokohama) |
碑文谷教会 (Santamaria of Edo Himonya Tokyo) |
調布教会 (Chofu Tokyo) |
足立教会 (Guardian Angels Adachi Tokyo) |
1st Sun ONLY |
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Seria) |
English |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
Italiano |
Sacred Heart (Highgate Perth) |
Samoan |
St Joseph (Grey Lynn) |
English |
St Yohanes Bosco (Sunter) |
English |
天母天主堂 (Mother of God Shihlin) |
English |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
10:50 |
萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua) |
11:00 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne) |
Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph (Auckland Central) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (East District) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Ren Ai (St Newman Da’an) |
Santo Andreas (Kedoya) |
Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Bede (Pyrmont) |
St Bernadette (City District) |
St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District) |
St Joseph (Edgecliff) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
St Odilia (Cicadas) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Stephen (East District) |
St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District) |
St Vincent de Paul (Redfern) |
St Yakobus (Kelapa Gading) |
なみはや教会 (Holy Family Namihaya Osaka) |
カトリック津久見教会 (Infant Jesus Tsukumi) |
カトリック磯子教会 (St Paul Isogo Yokohama) |
世田谷教会 (St John the Baptist Setagaya Tokyo) |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
富錦街法蒂瑪聖母天主堂 (Our Lady of Fatima Songshan) |
松原教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Matsubara Tokyo) |
田園調布教会 (St Francis of Assisi Denenchofu Tokyo) |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
鷺沼教会 (Saginuma) |
English |
Franciscan Chapel Center (Roppongi Tokyo) |
English |
Holy Rosary (Nankang) |
English |
Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng) |
English |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
English |
Ss Peter & Paul (City District) |
Chinese |
St Joseph (Camperdown) |
Chinese |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
Deutsch |
St Thomas (Jakarta) |
English |
永春聖安多尼天主堂 (St Anthony Hsinyi) |
한국어 Korean |
生野教会 (St Francis of Assisi Ikuno Osaka) |
English |
若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan) |
한국어 Korean |
長安天主堂 (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Zhongshan) |
11:15 |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District) |
St Anthony (North District) |
St Michael (City District) |
南松山始胎無玷天主堂 (Our Lady of Songshan Taipei) |
English |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
11:30 |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Christ the King (North District) |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
Holy Cross (West District) |
Holy Family (East District) |
Holy Spirit (North District) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
Risen Christ (North District) |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
St Joseph (North District) |
カトリック末吉町教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Sueyoshicho Yokohama) |
English |
Kristus Raja (Christ the King Pejompongan) |
Filipino |
St Benedict (Newton) |
2nd Sun, Indonesian |
St Joseph (Port Melbourne) |
4th Sun, Vietnamese |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
4th Sun, English |
志村教会 (St Joseph the Worker Shimura Tokyo) |
2nd, 4th Sun |
磐田教会 (St Theresa of Child Jesus Iwata) |
12:00 |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung) |
Sacred Heart (City District) |
St Alphonsus (Novena Church) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Teresa (City District) |
Sinhala |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
2nd Viet; 3rd Port. |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
1º dom, Español |
尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka) |
English |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
Tagalog |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
English |
豊島教会 (St Patrick Toshima Tokyo) |
English |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
12:15 |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
12:30 |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Fiji) |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
2nd 4th Español |
Sacred Heart (Ponsonby) |
English |
カトリック北一条教会 (Cathedral of Guardian Angels) |
Indonesian 4th Sun |
城北橋教会 (Sacred Heart Johokubashi Nagoya) |
1st Sun, Português |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
13:00 |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
1st 3rd, Indonesian |
St Bernadette (City District) |
3rd Sun,Tagalog |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
English |
三浦町教会 (Sacred Heart Miura-Cho) |
2nd Sun, English |
八王子教会 (All Saints Hachiōji Tokyo) |
English |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
3rd Sun English |
教会概要 (Immaculate Conception Kure) |
1º dom, Español |
立川教会 (St Pius X Tachikawa) |
English 英語 |
西坂の聖フィリッポ教会 (St Philip Nishikaka) |
13:30 |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
4th Sun, Bahasa |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
1st & 3rd,Chinese |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
3rd Tong
4th Indone |
St Benedict (Newton) |
1st Sun, Filipino |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
Chinese |
上野教会 (St Bernadette Ueno Tokyo) |
English |
別府教会 (Beppu) |
4th Eng; 5th Tagalog |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
2nd Tagalog; 4th Eng |
小岩教会 (St Boniface Koiwa Tokyo) |
Español |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
14:00 |
廣東話 Cantonese |
Ss Peter & Paul (City District) |
4th Sun, Tamil |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
1st Sun, Indonesian |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
3rd Sun ONLY |
なみはや教会 (Holy Family Namihaya Osaka) |
中国語 2nd 4th 5th Sun |
カトリック新子安教会 (Shinkoyasu Yokohama) |
English 1,3 한국 2,4 |
カトリック末吉町教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Sueyoshicho Yokohama) |
1st 3rd 한국어 Korean |
三河島教会 (St John the Apostle Mikawashima Tokyo) |
English |
吹田教会 (Suita Osdaka) |
1st Sun Español |
大和教会 (Yamato) |
English |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
English |
尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka) |
English |
梅田教会 (St Joseph the Worker Umeda Tokyo) |
3rd Viet.; 4th Eng. |
浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu) |
3rd Sun, Tagalog |
甲子園教会 (St Francis Yoshi Koshien Osaka) |
English |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
2nd Sun, English |
磐田教会 (St Theresa of Child Jesus Iwata) |
5th Sun, Tagarohu |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
14:30 |
Vietnamese, Burmese |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
English |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
2nd,4th; Japanese |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
2nd Sun, English |
調布教会 (Chofu Tokyo) |
15:00 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Santo Fransiskus Xaverius (Kuta) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
4th Sun, Tagalog |
Risen Christ (North District) |
various |
St Anthony (Guam) |
2 Fili;3 Ind;4 Viet |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
English |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
Mandarin 中文 |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
English |
大分教会 (St Francis Xavier Oita) |
4º dom; Español |
大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka) |
4th Sun, English |
岸和田教会 (St Michael the Archangel Kishiwada Osaka) |
1st Sun, Português |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
English, 4th Sun |
横須賀三笠教会 (Assumption Yokosuka Mikasa) |
1st Sun, Português |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
1st Sun, English |
立川教会 (St Pius X Tachikawa) |
Vietnamese |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
15:30 |
St Bernadette (City District) |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
Tagalog |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
Vietnamese |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
3rd Sun, Português |
尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka) |
15:45 |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
16:00 |
Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
Ss Peter & Paul (City District) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
2nd Sun, Tami |
Risen Christ (North District) |
4th Sun, Filipino |
St Bernadette (City District) |
Vietnamese |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
2º dom, Español |
浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu) |
2nd Sun, Indoneshia |
神戸中央教会 (Holy Spirit Kobe) |
English |
葛西教会 (St Augustin Kasai Tokyo) |
1st Sun, Polski |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
16:30 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph (Auckland Central) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
Santo Andreas (Kedoya) |
Santo Antonius Padua (Bidaracina) |
Santo Bonaventura (Pulomas) |
Santo Kristoforus (Jakarta) |
St Anne (Serangoon District) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
通化街聖玫瑰堂 (Holy Rosary Da’an) |
Vietnamese |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
2nd 3rd Indonesian |
麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo) |
17:00 |
Bunda Hati Kudus (Kemakmuran) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Port Moresby) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Fiji) |
Hati Kudus (Sacred Heart Kramat) |
Hati Kudus (Palembang) |
Holy Cross (West District) |
Holy Spirit (North District) |
Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District) |
Kalvari (Lubang Buaya) |
Kapel Hati Kudus Yesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel of St Borromeo) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung) |
Katedral St Maria Yang Terkandung Tak Bernoda Asal (Medan) |
Keluarga Kudus (Holy Family Rawamangun) |
Kristus Salvator (Slipi) |
Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng) |
Maria Bunda Perantara (Cideng) |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District) |
Our Lady Fatima (Suva) |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (East District) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
Regina Caeli (Indah Kapuk) |
Santa Anna (Duren Sawit) |
Santa Maria Tak Bercela (Surabaya) |
Santo Alfonsus Rodriquez (Pademangan) |
Santo Andreas Kim Tae Gon (North Jakarta) |
Santo Matias Rasul (Kosambi) |
Santo Paskalis (Cempaka Putih) |
Santo Petrus & Paulus (Mangga Besar) |
Santo Philipus Rasul |
Santo Polikarpus (Jakarta) |
Santo Stefanus (Cilandak) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Aloysius Gonzaga (Surabaya) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Antonius (Hayam Wuruk) |
St Augustine of Hippo (Balmain) |
St Joseph (City District) |
St Joseph (Perth) |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
St Mary Star of the Sea (West Melbourne) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
St Odilia (Cicadas) |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
St Yakobus (Kelapa Gading) |
Stella Maris (Pluit) |
目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo) |
聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an) |
赤羽教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Akabane Tokyo) |
Indonesian |
Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus (Ganjuran) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
1st 3rd, Vietnamese |
St Brigid (Dickson) |
한국어 Korean |
St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket) |
Korean |
大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri) |
last Sun, Español |
幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace) |
1st Sun,Eng; Korean |
日本橋教会 (Sacred Heart Nipponbashi Osaka) |
17:30 |
Blessed Sacrament (West District) |
Christ the King (North District) |
Divine Mercy (East District) |
Holy Family (East District) |
Holy Trinity (East District) |
Mater Dei (Lampersari) |
Our Lady of Assumption (Bandar Seri Begawan) |
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Seria) |
Santo Athanasius (Karangpanas) |
Santo Fransiskus Asisi (Tebet) |
St Alphonsus (Novena Church) |
St Anthony (North District) |
St Bernadette (City District) |
St Francis (Melbourne) |
St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District) |
St Ignatius Loyola (Malang Street) |
St Joseph (North District) |
St Joseph (Edgecliff) |
St Joseph (Denpasar) |
St Marinus Yohanes (Surabaya) |
St Michael (City District) |
St Stephen (East District) |
St Teresa (City District) |
St Theresia (Balikpapan) |
St Theresia (Bongsari) |
普通話 Mandarin |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
1st Sun, Português |
磐田教会 (St Theresa of Child Jesus Iwata) |
18:00 |
Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Manila) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney) |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Papeete) |
Damai Kristus (Kampung Duri) |
Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District) |
Risen Christ (North District) |
Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo) |
Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung) |
Santo Robertus Bellarminus (Cililitan) |
Santo Yoseph (Matraman) |
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila) |
St Benedict (Sydney) |
St Brigid (Marrickville) |
St Ignatius (West District) |
St Joachim (Victoria Park) |
St John (Kuala Belait) |
St Joseph (Camperdown) |
St Mary (North Sydney) |
St Nikodemus (Ciputat) |
St Odilia (Citra Raya) |
St Patrick (Church Hill) |
St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District) |
St Yohanes Bosco (Sunter) |
カトリック北一条教会 (Cathedral of Guardian Angels) |
上野毛教会のホ (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kaminoge Tokyo) |
下井草教会 (Mary Help of Christians Shimoigusa Tokyo) |
城山 (Our Lady of Consolation Shiroyama) |
布池教会大聖堂 (Cathedral of St Peter & St Paul Nunoike Nagoya) |
潮見教会 (Our Lady Shiomi Tokyo) |
碑文谷教会 (Santamaria of Edo Himonya Tokyo) |
English |
Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa (South Kuta) |
2nd Sun Tam; 3rd Mal |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District) |
English |
Santo Fransiskus Xaverius (Kuta) |
English |
St Peter Canisius College (Jakarta Pusat) |
Korean |
別府教会 (Beppu) |
English |
聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan) |
Latin |
聯合新村中華之后天主堂 (Our Lady Queen of China Songshan) |
18:15 |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
18:30 |
Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne) |
Cathédrale Saint Joseph (Nouméa) |
Sacred Heart (Makassar) |
Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran) |
Santo Alfonsus Rodriquez (Pademangan) |
Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran) |
三浦町教会 (Sacred Heart Miura-Cho) |
浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami) |
Tamil |
Our Lady of Lourdes (City District) |
Tagalog |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
3rd Sun Portugués |
教会概要 (Immaculate Conception Kure) |
19:00 |
Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph (Auckland Central) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Fiji) |
Katedral Santa Perawan Maria (Bogor) |
Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang) |
St Anthony (Guam) |
St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral) |
St Mary of the Angels (West District) |
St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat) |
日本橋教会 (Sacred Heart Nipponbashi Osaka) |
19:30 |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao) |
Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Metro Manila) |
St Laurensia (Alam Sutera) |
若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan) |
萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua) |
Tamil, Malayalam |
St Francis of Assisi (West District) |
20:00 |
Our Lady of Remedies (Malate) |
Santo Paskalis (Cempaka Putih) |
St Augustine (Melbourne) |