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Sunday Masses: Outside GB → Europe → Ireland → Cork → Corcaigh Cork City
Sunday Masses in Corcaigh Cork City: Weekday | Saturday | Holyday of Obligation
Annunciation (Blackpool Cork)
Ss Peter & Paul (Cork City)
Cathedral of St Mary & St Anne (Cork)
St Finbarr (South Cork)
Ascension (Gurranabraher)
Christ The King (Turner’s Cross)
Immaculate Conception (Cork)
Priory of St Mary (Dominicans)
St Patrick (Montenotte)
Descent of the Holy Spirit (Dennehys Cross)
Sacred Heart (Cork)
Franciscan Friary (Cork City)
Holy Trinity (Fr Mathew Memorial)
LatinDominian rite
St Augustine (Cork City)
Holy Family (Cork)
Chapel of Mercy University Hospital (Cork)
Honan Catholic Chapel (University College Cork)