Churches in Oxford

John Radcliffe Hospital Chapel

Locate on Map
Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU

chapel main hospital, Level 2, main corridor

Last updated on Friday, 16th September 2022 Report Corrections

Sacred Heart (Blackbird Leys)

Monday 9.15am;
Thursday 7.00pm

Sunday: 9.30am, 6.00pm

Holyday of Obligation: 9.00am, 7.00pm

Confessions: Thursday 6.00-6.45pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Sawpit Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford, OX4 6BD

Tel: 01865 779658

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st October 2022 Report Corrections

Priory of the Holy Spirit (Blackfriars Oxford)

Weekday: 7.30am, 6.00pm

Saturday: 8.30am

Sunday: 6.00pm (vigil), 8.00am, 9.30am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
64 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3LY

Tel: 01865 278400

Link to church website:

Additional info:

Last updated on Friday, 4th February 2022 Report Corrections

St Edmund & St Frideswide (Greyfriars)

Weekday: 7.30am

Saturday: 8.00am

Sunday: 6.30pm (vigil), 9.00am, 11.00am, 5.30pm

Holyday of Obligation: 7.30am, 10.00am, 7.00pm

Confessions: Saturday 11.00am 12 noon, 5.30-6.15pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Iffley Road, Oxford, OX4 1SB

Tel: 01865 243694

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Additional info:  ·

Last updated on Friday, 10th May 2024 Report Corrections

St Anthony of Padua (Headington)

Weekday: 9.00am, 6.30pm

Saturday: 9.00am

Sunday: 6.30pm (vigil), 8.30am, 10.00am

Holyday of Obligation: 9.30am, 7.00pm

Confessions: Saturday 5.45pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
115 Headley Way, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 7SS

Tel: 01865 762964

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Last updated on Sunday, 15th May 2022 Report Corrections

Blessed Dominic Barberi (Littlemore)

Weekday: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00am;
+ 1st Friday 6.00pm(Polski)

Saturday: 10.30am

Sunday: 6.00pm(vigil); 11.00am, 4.30pm(Polski), 6.30pm(Polski)

Holyday of Obligation: 9.00am, 7.00pm

Confessions: Saturday after morning Mass, 5.15-5.45pm and by request

Locate on Map | Streetview
Cowley Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4JX

Tel: 01865 778454

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Additional info:  ·

Last updated on Saturday, 23rd October 2021 Report Corrections

Holy Rood (Oxford)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.00am;
Thursday 9.00am (Ordinariate);
Friday 9.00am(Latin, extraordinary form)

Saturday: 9.00am

Sunday: 5.00pm(vigil, Ordinariate), 7.30pm(vigil, Português); 11.15, 5.00pm(Latin, extraordinary form)

Saturday 9.30-10.00am
Monday-Friday 9.30am

Locate on Map | Streetview
Folly Bridge, Folly Bridge, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 4LD

Tel: 01865 247986

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Additional info:  ·  ·

Last updated on Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 Report Corrections

Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy (Oxford)

Weekday: 12.15pm

Saturday: 12.15pm

Sunday: 11.00am, 5.45pm(term only), 9.00pm(term only);
+1.15pm(1º dom SOLO, Español)

Locate on Map | Streetview
The Old Palace, Rose Place, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1RD

Tel: 1865 276994

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 12th May 2023 Report Corrections

St Gregory & St Augustine (Oxford)

Monday 6.00pm;
Tuesday, Thursday 9.30am;
Wednesday, Friday 6.00pm(Latin, extraordinary form)

Saturday: 9.30am

Sunday: 6.00pm(vigil); (8.00am currently suspended), 10.30am;
+ 12.00pm(3rd Sunday ONLY, Latin, extraordinary form)

Holyday of Obligation: 6.00pm (vigil), 8.00am, 10.30am

Confessions: Saturday 10-11am, 5.15pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
322 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 7NS

Tel: 01865 515138

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Additional info:  ·

Last updated on Monday, 16th August 2021 Report Corrections

St Aloysius (Oxford Oratory)

Weekday: 7.30am, 10.00am, 6.00pm

Saturday: 10.00am

Sunday: 6.30pm(vigil); 8.00am(Latin, extraordinary form), 9.30am(sung), 11.00am(sung Latin), 6.30pm

Holyday of Obligation: 6.00pm(vígil), 7.30am, 10.00am, 12.15pm(Latin, extraordinary form), 6.00pm(Latin)

Public / Bank Holiday: as weekdays

Confessions: 20 minutes before all Masses:
+ Saturday 10.30-11.00am, 5.00-6.30pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
25 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HA

Tel: 01865 57978

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Additional info:  ·  ·

Last updated on Friday, 21st October 2022 Report Corrections