Churches in Corfu Κέρκυρα

Καθεδρικός Ναός Αγίου Χριστοφόρου και Ιακώβου (Cathedral of Ss James & Christopher Corfu)

Weekday: 7.00pm

Sunday: 7.00pm(vigil); 10.30am, 7.00pm(Jun-Sep ONLY)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Town Hall Square (Πλατεία Δημαρχείου), 491 00

Tel: 26610 30277

Link to church website:

Last updated on Tuesday, 7th July 2020 Report Corrections

Παναγίας των Καρμελιτών Παναγία Τενέδου (Our Lady of Carmel Corfu)

Sunday: 8.45am

Καθολικού Κοιμητηρίου

Link to church website:

Last updated on Monday, 1st July 2024 Report Corrections

Ιερός Καθολικός Ναός Ιεράς Καρδίας του Ιησού (Sacred Heart Franciscans Kerkira)

Sunday: 10.00am

Locate on Map | Streetview
Αλ. Παναγούλη 13, Κέρκυρα Al. Panagouli 13, Kerkira, 491 00

Tel: +30 2661030239

Link to church website:

Last updated on Saturday, 29th June 2024 Report Corrections

ΠΑΡΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΟ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΠΙΟΥ (St Pius of Pietrelcina)

Sunday: 7.00pm(July-Sep ONLY)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Μεσογγή Κέρκυρας Messonghi, Corfu, 490 80

Link to church website:

Last updated on Monday, 1st July 2024 Report Corrections