Churches in Bucharest

Adormirea Maicii Domnului (Assumption)

Weekday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 9.00am, 11.00am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Drumul Taberei 38A, București, 061389

Tel: +40 21 413 6570

Link to church website:

Last updated on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 Report Corrections

Cathedral of St Iosif (Bucharest)

Weekday: 7.00am, 8.00am, 9.00am, 6.30pm

Saturday: 7.00am, 8.00am, 9.00am

Sunday: 5.00pm(vigil), 6.30pm(vigil); 7.00am, 8.00am, 9.00am 10.30am, 12.15pm (Español), 5.00pm, 6.30pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. General Berthelot nr. 19, sector 1, Bucuresti, 70749

Tel: +40-1-3131943

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 25th February 2022 Report Corrections

Sacré Coeur (Bucharest)

Weekday: 5.00pm(winter), 6.00pm(summer)

Saturday: 9.00am

Sunday: 6.00pm(vigil, English); 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am(Français), 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Strada Cpt. Demetriade nr.3, sector 1, Bucuresti, 011848

Tel: 021 / 633.43.01

Link to church website:

Last updated on Thursday, 24th June 2021 Report Corrections

Sfanta Cruce (Bucharest)

Weekday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Saturday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 8.00am, 10.30am, 6.00pm

Holyday of Obligation: 8.00am, 10.30am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Sos. Mihai Bravu, 259, sector 3, Bucuresti., 030302

Tel: 323 05 00

Link to church website:

Last updated on Thursday, 20th January 2022 Report Corrections

Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Paul (București)

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6.00pm;
Tuesday 8.00am, 6.00pm;
1st Friday 8.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 6.00pm (vigil), 8.00am, 11.00am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. Pechea 16, București, 013982

Tel: +40 21 232 2671

Link to church website:

Last updated on Thursday, 20th June 2024 Report Corrections

Sfânta Elena (București)

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6.00pm;
Tuesday 9.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 6.00pm (vigil), 9.00am, 11.00am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. Cuza Vodă 102, București, 040286

Tel: +40 21 331 72 74

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st June 2024 Report Corrections

Sfânta Maria a Harurilor (București)

Weekday: 7.00am, 8.00am, 6.00pm

Saturday: 7.00am, 8.00am

Sunday: 6.00pm(vigil); 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.00am, 4.30pm(Sep-Jun ONLY), 6.00pm

Holyday of Obligation: 7.00am, 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.00am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. Bărăției 27, București, 030194

Tel: +40 21 311 0809

Link to church website:

Last updated on Saturday, 29th June 2024 Report Corrections

Sfânta Tereza a Pruncului Isus (București)

Weekday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Saturday: 8.00am

Sunday: 6.00pm (vigil), 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am, 12.30pm, 6.00pm

Holyday of Obligation: 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am, 12.30pm, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Șos. Olteniței 3-5, București, 041291

Tel: +40 21 332 2034

Link to church website:

Last updated on Saturday, 29th June 2024 Report Corrections

Sfântul Anton de Padova (București)

Monday, Thursday 6.50am;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 6.00pm

Sunday: 6.00pm (vigil), 10.30am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. Magnoliei 113-115, București, 022793

Tel: +40 21 241 07 85

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Last updated on Thursday, 27th February 2020 Report Corrections

Sfântul Francisc de Assisi (București)

Weekday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 8.00am, 11.00am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Aleea Lacul Morii 1A, București, 060841

Tel: +40 21 430 50 63

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 17th May 2024 Report Corrections

Sfânta Fecioară Maria Regină (Dristor)

Weekday: 8.00am, 6.00pm

Sunday: 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.30am, 12.00pm, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Aleea Râmnicu Sărat 3-5, 031908

Tel: +40 21 346 5991

Link to church website:

Last updated on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 Report Corrections

Preasfântul Mântuitor (Holy Redeemer)

Weekday: 6.00pm

Sunday: 10.00am, 11.15am(Italiano), 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Bd. Nicolae Bãlcescu nr. 28, sector 1, 70122

north of Hotel Intercontinental

Tel: 021 / 314.18.57

Link to church website:

Last updated on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 Report Corrections

Maica Indurerata (Mother of Sorrows)

Weekday: 5.00pm(winter)/6.00pm(summer)

Sunday: 5.00pm(vigil, winter), 6.00pm(vigil, summer); 9.00am, 10.30am, 5.00pm(winter), 6.00pm(summer)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Str. Linistei, Nr. 13, Sect. 1, Bucuresti, 78608

Tel: +40 21 667.47.64

Link to church website:

Last updated on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 Report Corrections